Gong Bath with Jain Wells
Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, insomnia, an emotional issue, physical pain or inflammation? These are just some of the conditions that are being alleviated and healed with gong energy.
In this 90 minute session you will experience a Gong Meditation Sound Bath Journey, guided by Jain Wells. The mulit-layered gong vibrations take you into a deep meditative state that alters your brainwave frequency – where healing is accelerated. The gong vibrations also relax the parasympathetic nervous system that slows the heart rate and regulates organ and gland functioning. As well, if you have any interest to learn to meditate, the gong meditation will assist you, by inducing a deep state of meditative awareness by slowing brainwave frequencies.
For more information please visit Jain Wells’ website:
Participants lay on a yoga mat, or sit in a chair. If you have a mat bring it along for extra comfort with something to rest your head on. Also bring an extra sweater or sweatshirt to wear so that you remain warm and comfortable while lying down.
Chairs and some yoga mats will be provided, if you have a yoga mat of your own please bring it.
To order, please contact:
Gandharva Loka World Music
by phone
or in person
1650 Johnston Street, Granville Island
Peace and Love ♥
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