1650 Johnston St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3R5
This event has been postponed to a later date.
Have you ever been curious about the art of playing didgeridoo.
Join David Yates of Breathwood (http://youtube.com/c/breathwood) for a delightful adventure into the world of the didgeridoo! We’ll cover the basics, intermediate skills, and rhythms for all levels. Actual workshop content depends on who shows up! This workshop is suitable for total beginners and experienced players alike. We’ll find just the right techniques for everyone!
Bring your own didge or rent one from the store!
August 17th @ 8:30 PM
in the Netloft Building on Granville Island
1666 Johnston Street
Tickets are $20 – $30 (sliding scale)
Space is limited, to reserve a spot please contact:
Gandharva Loka World Music
1650 Johnston Street, Granville Island
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