Our Customers
Our customers make our store an amazing place to work. Coming from all around the world, you fill our store with knowledge, music, curiosity and joy. Your letters and emails and photos remind us of why we work so hard and inspire us to do our best. You make us feel good about what we do. Please stay in touch!
Actor, Manu Bennet
Manu Bennett, actor and star of the TV series Arrow, and his Luna bazouki – Vancouver, BC
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Adam and his new spacedrum!
"This is the most incredible, resonant instrument I have ever played. When I close my eyes and listen to its tones, it takes me to another planet completely while firmly grounding me here. Simply awesome! Thank you so much." ~Adam Bagatavicius
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Carlos Mett from Mexico
"Thank for being my happy place and heaven this year. I'll miss you all!!"
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Daniel Mejia and his wonderful daughter Tessa
Daniel Mejia, Lead Digital Compositor at the Rhythm & Hues Studio here in Vancouver, and one of the Academy Award winners for the special effects in Life of Pi with his daughter Tessa. Daniel is a regular at Gandharva Loka and says: " When I find myself in need of inspiration, I come to Gandharva […]
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David Sheftel and his new Caisa
David Sheftel, Certified Canadian Parent Educator from Cowichan, BC says: "I had been looking for a caisa drum since I saw one being played at a recent conference. Online and in local stores I was told that these drums were nearly impossible to get, so I was so surprised and happy to find one at […]
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Jack Johnson, Singer and Song writer
Jack Johnson, Musician and Song Writer visits Gandharva Loka New Zealand.
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Jacob and his ocarina
"Hi, I bought a $9 ocarina from your store in early May, and I've got to say it's one of the best buys ever! For a plastic ocarina it doesn't sound bad and I've been playing it almost every day since my purchase. Thank you very much!" ~ Jakob Kubke
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Max Greening – Recording Artist and Film Maker
Max Greening, local ambient music recording artist and film maker, sees Gandharva Loka and our Sound Journey workshops as a source of inspiration. Max says: "If you ever get a chance to attend one of Gandharva Loka's Sound Journeys, you should absolutely go! I was blown away by the beautiful sounds that filled the […]
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Mr. and Mrs. Li: happy new Sound Cradle owners
"This instrument is absolutely unique!" Mr and Mrs Li, the happy new owners of a Sound Cradle – Surrey, BC, Canada
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Norman Reedus, Actor
The talented and wonderful Norman Reedus from the hit TV series the Walking Dead visits Gandharva Loka World Music in Vancouver and takes a selfie with staff member Chidroopa.
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Pranika and Nishhta Baum
Pranika and Nishta Baum, sister restaurateurs from Annam Brahma in New York City visit Gandharva Loka and display their new t-shirts. Pranika, who is recovering from a brain injury and craniotomy tried out the sound cradle and says: "I have been undergoing a wide variety of medical treatments to help me recover from my brain […]
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Premik Russell Tubbs, internationally renowned flutist and saxaphonist
Premik Russell Tubbs, one of the world's greatest jazz flutist and saxaphonist performs at Gandharva Loka for our September 9th "Music, Meditation and Mantra" workshop. He says: "I am still dancing from the blissful experience I had in Gandharva Loka. It was like arriving on heaven's doorstep. What an amazing shop and what an incredible team! I am […]
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Stuart and Wendy Harper
Stuart and Wendy Harper, the proud new owners of a Sound Cradle – Washington DC, USA
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